Brand Spotlight: Good Judy
Good Judy is a tattooer-owned, Canadian based tattoo supply company that specializes in eco-friendly tattoo supplies. Their mission is to make eco-friendly tattoo products that are safe, affordable and perform just as well as conventional tattoo supplies.
Good Judy uses only biodegradable and/or compostable materials in their products, with all single use products returning to the earth completely within 1-60 months without leaving behind harmful substances. Compositing refers to a substance that breaks down and provides nutrients and fertilizes the earth, while substances that are biodegradable just break down into elements that don’t harm the environment. Whether a product composts or simply degrades comes down to the conditions that the product is disposed of and the materials used in the item. Good Judy provides tons of great information on their website concerning lab testing for products, information on the materials used in their products, and how to dispose of their products that maximize their eco-friendly potential. As a part of their commitment to innovation, Good Judy is constantly testing new products and materials and encourages customers to send feedback.
Some of the more popular products from Good Judy that we carry are the PLA razors, ink caps, and bottle bags. We also carry Workhorse X Good Judy Eco Needle bars and Magic Moon Moon Biodegradable Cartridges. As Good Judy expands their product offerings, we aim to bring on more of their products for our customers to experience.
Learn more about Good Judy on their website here.